Cooking and Smoking

SPM offer Lutetia Cooking and Smoking chambers to suit your requirements.

Defrosting : blocks of halibut, sardines, mackerel, hake fillets, grenadier, leg of lamb, haunch of venison, goat curd slabs, blocks of vegetables, ...

Cook / Pasteurise : ham, shoulders, patés, terrines, chicken, vacuum packed ready meals

Cure / Dry : bellies, sausages, magrets, herrings, mackerel, salmon, trout, cheese

The range of chambers for defrosting, cooking, steaming and smoking will meet all your requirements.

All Lutetia Chambers have these benefits :

  • A design that is ergonomic, precise and safe.

  • Modular construction which permits your installations to evolve.

  • Whether it is dry, or humid cooking, steaming, curing, smoking or defrosting, you will find a chamber adapted to your production.

